Billboard Truck
Did you know that…
Mobile vehicle advertising has a recall rate of 97%!
(RYP & Becker Group)
The Texas Mobile Advertising billboard truck fleet includes a growing number of billboard trucks that are driven at our client’s direction. We take your art and install billboards, and then strategically drive and park for an average of 8 hours a day. Imagine your full page magazine or newspaper ad – then add full color and add to the size a few THOUSAND PERCENT in square footage.
Then imagine that someone is driving around town showing that magazine or newspaper advert for EIGHT STRAIGHT hours to numerous targeted readers at a time. This is a lot different than your investment in a periodical that is read once before heading to the recycle bin, at best.
Minimum Run Time:
1 Day
Number of Display Areas:
2 plus the option of a vinyl wrapped back door.
Complete Vinyl Wrap:
Campaign Type:
Dedicated Campaign Only
Traffic Type:
High or Low Pedestrian Traffic